Social media. My friend or deleting foe?
Look. There are plenty of men out there who have not wanted to see me naked, whether they know this or not. (I'm kind of a chicken so if I get the vibe you really aren't into me I'm like a zoo animal and disappear behind some bushes) Here nor there.... I still am friends with these men. I'm noticing a strange trend of men I have not wanted to have sex with silently deleting me from their lives. And I'm not talking about like the random frat guy you meet at the bar on Friday and text with for like a week then never hear from again. I'm talking real deal friends. Like years long.. and for those that know me, my circle is SMALL. So I NOTICE when someone deletes me. (I have like 50 Facebook friends. Get my drift?)
I will never understand the new age wave of social media skeezyness. Your know the kind, one day you think of something funny and go to post it on their page only to become embarrassingly aware they UNFRIENDED, UNFOLLOWED, UNTWEETED, UN-SOMETHING DEVIANT AND SNEEKY toward you.... Why is it so infuriating and... embarrassing? Like really? You deleted me from your life? And I'm so not the type of person who will text you or message you and be like "What's up with that?" because when it comes to hurt feelings, I am more of a "fantasize about running into you years later walking down the street with me holding my Oscar" (Yes I carry an Oscar in all of my fantasies. It adds better drama and gold statue courage.) In my Oscar fantasy I casually say... "Oh dear, it's you old so and so, what a pity you never stayed in touch. I must go now. Good to see you old chap!" And then you look at me cold and tired as I float away. Yes, I've actually had this fantasy and yes I do speak with an old man English accent in it.
I've definitely in my younger and lame social media days been that person. But then I grew up. I'm pretty face to face these days with my feelings. Most of the time it gets me either in hot water, embarrassing water, or just down right funny water. I'll take real human contact over any of that other social media meanness. So the moral of the story is, don't unfriend me. Thanks! <3