Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Me & Lady Gaga!!

"I used to walk down the street

like I was a fucking star...

I want people to walk around delusional

about how great they can be -

and then to fight so hard for it every day

...that the lie becomes the truth."


I've had more than one person in my life call me 'delusional.' For my work, work ethic, heart, goals, dreams... blah blah blah. They are white noise. I have no clue where my life is going but it's headed somewhere. I believe in being bold. I believe that faith can move mountains. More and more signs are showing up in my life to keep me on track. And yup, I'm broke, professional actress, and not a day closer to getting married & starting a family. So I move forward. I am DELUSIONAL... but in a GOOD WAY.

 I believe people who live their dreams are the good delusional. The BAD DELUSION is when your dream change but your ego won't change with it so you miss it. So what separates us from the bad? I'm not sure. A feeling I guess. A gut feeling that you were given your dreams for a reason. Whether that is an actress, doctor, or substitute teacher - it doesn't matter, if YOU know in your HEART OF HEARTS what your dream is, LIVE IT. If the dream changes, don't fear it, live the next one. BUT KEEP GOING. Keep the GOOD DELUSIONAL EGO in check!

If TOMORROW the universe, God, guardian angel, the man on the subway (you know, whomever-whatever you believe in) changes my dream, well I will be scared as hell but at least I'll be delusional GOOD and LIVE IT. GOOD LUCK MY LOVES!!! <3