Sunday, March 17, 2013

Oprah & Me.

It's even happened to the mighty Oprah...

“One if the hardest things in life to learn are which bridges to cross and which bridges to burn.”  -Oprah
The rise to the top is going to be filled with haters. Negaters. Ripoff artists. Backstabbers. Naysayers. And just plain ol' fools. These people you can see coming a mile away. No big whoops.

But sometimes, on the way to the top, people (friends, associates, family) will "just turn." Maybe it's jealously, maybe they just don't have their shit together, maybe they aren't used to seeing you take such a strong and acommplished stance in your life- and they don't know how to handle it. Maybe it's resentment...

Burning bridges 101... they will happen on the way to the top.
(It's how you handle the burn that counts.)

I had to burn a bridge today. I can report that I stayed classy, honest, but firm. AND BOY WAS IT HARD! Sometimes all you want to do is scream "YOU ARE A PHONY BALONEY AND I'M NOT BUYING IT IDIOT!!!" But really... don't hold the hot coal.. it's only burning you.

I hate burning bridges, but in this life, I pride myself on strength, compassion, being incredible self aware, and not afraid to stand up for what I feel is right.

I think as long as I can say "I exhausted every possibility before burning the bridge," well then I've learned something more valuable than any rickedy old bridge that would have stayed in tact with that person.

Maybe that is the ultimate lesson.
Don't mess with TheRed. Haha!


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