Monday, March 11, 2013

This blog made me SO NERVOUS!!!

I choose to live open and vunerable and strong and go toward my best life possible.

I think half the battle is the "knowing" you are worth it. Worth massive success. Worth being a mom someday. Worth ALL of your dreams, goals, and hopes coming true. 'Drive' comes with a price. But knowing you are WORTH it all, is priceless.

Ok. So, now I KNOW.... time to take the steps that really count.
(Side note: I have been fucking scared and hopeful in these steps)

I stopped taking birth control. I've lost 15lbs. I am bold/fearless in my career. I risk take everyday.

I have given myself full permission to go as hard as I need to go to make my dreams come true. No. Matter. What.

I don't apologize. I don't care if it "freaks" people out. Or men are "weirded out" because I just blogged how I gave up birth control. I turn 30 this year- I'm a 'take it all' gal.

I want my body, my mind, my career to be in the best light when my dreams come to reality.

I believe great things are coming. My heart is open.

I thank everyone for continously embracing my thoughts and following my RedLipstickLife.


1 comment:

  1. You go girl! im *cough* several years older than you and im going though the same thing except for the birth control :). On wards and up wards. to be better than i ws today, stronger than i was yesterday and in love with ourselves. Love reading your journey. x
