Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Back to the Future Pep Talk

"If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit."

Oh hey 1955! Oh wait, are we back there?

Seriously. Worrying about restrooms, LGBT rights, guns, equal pay, women's rights. Is it 1955 or 2016? Should we start the separate water fountain thing again?

Rich white males over here. The rest of ya over there...

Someone get Marty McFly on the phone.

As a society, well, we've got to GET. IT. TOGETHER.

Life is pretttyyy, pretttyyyy.... prettyyyyy grand if we all just stop and looked around. Take a moment. Sip your Folgers coffee. Think of 5 things you are grateful for in this moment I'm pretty sure you'll let some shit go.

Also let's call a spade a spade...

HATE is usually a product of something within we don't like about ourselves.


Ever see someone lash out because they are tired, overworked, or have too much on their plate? Yeah- these are the people who are so filled with hate. They look for someone or something else to blame because they are not where they THINK their lives should be.

And the blame-hurricane begins.

My goodness. My Guinness! I need a Guinness just to listen to all the heavy cray cray of the world.

"There's that word again: HEAVY. Why are things so heavy in the future? Is it because of the Earth's gravitational pull?"

Nope. Wrong. Sorry Charlie.

Get it together, fix what you don't like in your life, and the rest will fall into line.

Be strong. Be bold. Get your best life.

Pep talk over.


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