Thursday, July 26, 2012


RedTastic Bebes! Ok. Quick linkys above for a little extra pop this week! So I will say this here and now... I WILL ALWAYS DISCUSS MY TRIUMPHS AND MY TRAGEDIES. NOTHING IS OFF LIMITS. I can't stand the smoke screeners who always are talking a huge game just as much as I vom over the negative nancys who just won't stop complaining. So I will always be up front and honest about both. Straight from these red lips! Ok. I have been WAY struggling lately with "How the heck." How the heck and I going to do this acting thing, RLG (RedLipstickGlobal), relationships, tier jumping, blah blah blah... then today I had a chat with the fantastic Ryan B. who is a life coach building his business. What Ryan said rang so freaking true I wanted to jump out of my own skin. He called me the girl who uses "lists" as a way to take exits and not really focus on the DOING of getting to my dreams. I haven't been recognizing that things which have hurt me in the past or not feeling like I really genuinely can achieve my goals BECAUSE of failures in the past still prevents me from closing the deal on success. Ew I sound so rah rah go life. Vom. But it hit home how Ryan said it. I just sound like a jagoff. (haha) Ryan challenged me to answer 2 questions: 1. What am I PRETENDING not to know. 2. What am I doing to avoid things. My goal for the next week is to really focus on these 2 things. Because I AM THE GIRL WHO EVERYONE THINKS... "This girl is a fantastic whirlwind BUT I just don't know where to place her." DEATH IN AN ACTING CAREER. Half the battle is one but lost the war in the 2nd part of that sentence. It sucks balls to look deep inside yourself and admit things YOU KNOW are holding you back but are super scary to say out loud. Cause duh, what if some cute guy hears you... talking to yourself... about your faults. AWKEY!!! (Lol. Maybe do it in the privacey of your own home.) SO I WANT ALL YOUR REDTASTIC BEBES TO DO JUST THAT. Answer Ryans 2 questions. AND ADMIT IT!!! YOU ARE REDLICIOUS!!! XoREDxOXO -Meg

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