Wednesday, November 7, 2012

DAY22-23 HeartOpen & LOVE BehindMyEyes

I worked on election night.

Two of the MOST POWERFUL MEN sat in my section. The CEO of a MAJOR movie studio and HIS HUSBAND, a President of one of the most A-List elite hotels in LA.

I sat and watched the two of them, barely breathing-or speaking a word-hand in hand, as they watched the election results come in. TWO OF THE MOST POWERFUL/RICH MEN WHO ARE TERRIFIED SOMEONE WILL TAKE AWAY THEIR LIFE... THEIR HAPPINESS.

One man has changed the history and inspired an ENTIRE WORLD with movies, scripts, and stars. The other has created an entire empire with his professionalism, class, and brains. And they sat their terrified it would be taken away. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP.

I believe in LGBT rights.

Human rights are EVERYTHING to me. I could never support ANY PERSON, even my dearest friends who believe the LGBT community are second class citizens.

I have hope. Something better is coming for ALL OF US.

Keep your heart open. And love behind your eyes.


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