Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Foundation Room

I did not 'tier jump' in my career like I wanted, I certaintly did not put any money in the bank, and I'm still single. Three things I genuinely wanted to change about myself this year.

And I failed.

But with failure comes the universe. Life had a different plan, a better one.

My foundation was cemented this year.

My foundation in myself, my core, my beliefs, my goals, my expectations, are rock solid. Nothing can shake them.

I studied meisner, I took crazy bold chances in my acting, I workshoped, spent every hard earned penny on acting, I have been shameless, I've spiraled, I've regained control, and I have opened my heart up and have become an incredibly vunerable, inspiring-believer of my future and myself.

In "failing" all three of my goals this year I feel stronger than ever. Sure I have mopey days when I want to just hide under the covers and let the industry (and my dream man) come to me (cause it works like that, right? haha) but the moment passes because THE FOUNDATION IS SET.

I am so selfish right now but no longer closed off.

2013 is about growing, building, and stylizing my dream life.


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