Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dear 'The Notebook,' SHUT UP IDIOT, I LOVE YOU.

'It was real, wasn’t it? You and me. Such a long time ago, we were just a couple of kids. But we really loved each other, didn’t we?' -The Notebook

Shut up 'The Notebook.' I love you and hate you all in one sentence.

I am in a class that is making us look FOR REALS inside ourselves at the good, the bad, and the shit we hide from or pretend isn't there. It's a rad actor-life-leader-bad ass something of a class. I'll keep you updated.

Mine is (and always was) relationships. The amount of resistance I build up so I don't have to focus on a LA relationship -- through waitressing, acting, class, Humphrey, my family, my friends, my faith, my chores, my health, my making up of ANYTHING is pretty redick. (new term for ridiculous)

Ok. People can be 'burned' in relationships and have "walls" (SIDE NOTE: If you say you have 'walls'- YOU DON'T. People with REAL walls don't admit to it. Sorry bout it.)

... and then (in relationships) people can be lit on fire and left to die. One makes 'personal resistence' a little harder - BUT- it's not about focusing on the 'fire' -- it's about moving out of the burn unit and then taking a firefighter class.

I feel like a mother fucking fire fighter right now.

The last month I have been on a mission to BRING THE SEXY BACK.

Well watch out LA, cause now you've got some hyped up firefighter esque bringing sexy back girl on your hands. This is either going to turn out really awesome... or REALLY REALLY awesome.


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