Saturday, August 20, 2016



These last few months have been a shit-storm of violence, bigotry, public safety uncertainty, and an overall F-ING clown filled political circus.... On BOTH sides.

Who else has walked around at one point or another feeling a sense of complete and total helplessness?

Omran Daqneesh (Syrian boy in the ambulance).
San Bernardino
Sudan gang rapes
Orlando PULSE Nightclub shooting
Aylan 'Alan' Kurdi (young refugee boy who drowned seeking a better life)
Boko Haram
Police violence
Anti Muslim Racists
RAPE Case dismissals
Cop murders
Refugee Crisis
Climate meltdown...floods and fires.
Trump.. Hillary... Oh Lord.

Raise your hand.

Well I'm in the game of comedy... So to all the comics who have dealt with the list above and MORE the past few months and STILL managed to be FUNNY....


Sure, I still create. I put one foot in front of the other, write, produce #DriversMeg, network, marathon train, reach out to my agent, audition-eerrr or don't... but I can't lie, I feel unsure about humor lately... about laughing. Some days I think to myself;

"How do I be funny when I feel so helpless? There is so much evil. What can one joke bring?"

Like many humans I am searching for what MORE can I do?

Eleanor Goldberg of The Huffington Post wrote a BRUTALLY honest article about TRAGEDY PORN and being overconsumed with it's graphic and terrible images yet we don't really do anything about it***


Like many, in the heart of all this bewildered violence and confusion, I feel lost. I want to leave this world a better place. But how? Sell my things, join Doctor's Without Borders, and move halfway around the world to a war torn- terrorist sleeper cell country? Or maybe push even harder and use my comedy to bring laughter to those who need it?

We are in this together. I too am still searching. Until I figure out my next step I promise this...

I will do better than the day before. I will honor my path SO much that it will inspire someone else to honor their path....

And maybe, just maybe, it'll cause a ripple...



P.S. Incredible political art by @Khalidalbaih
Still think refugees should be turned away?

....My heart is with you Aylan and Omran.

(***I HIGHLY recommend reading her article. I also 1000% urge you to take at least ONE of her ideas on ways to help and turn it into ACTION.)

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Back to the Future Pep Talk

"If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit."

Oh hey 1955! Oh wait, are we back there?

Seriously. Worrying about restrooms, LGBT rights, guns, equal pay, women's rights. Is it 1955 or 2016? Should we start the separate water fountain thing again?

Rich white males over here. The rest of ya over there...

Someone get Marty McFly on the phone.

As a society, well, we've got to GET. IT. TOGETHER.

Life is pretttyyy, pretttyyyy.... prettyyyyy grand if we all just stop and looked around. Take a moment. Sip your Folgers coffee. Think of 5 things you are grateful for in this moment I'm pretty sure you'll let some shit go.

Also let's call a spade a spade...

HATE is usually a product of something within we don't like about ourselves.


Ever see someone lash out because they are tired, overworked, or have too much on their plate? Yeah- these are the people who are so filled with hate. They look for someone or something else to blame because they are not where they THINK their lives should be.

And the blame-hurricane begins.

My goodness. My Guinness! I need a Guinness just to listen to all the heavy cray cray of the world.

"There's that word again: HEAVY. Why are things so heavy in the future? Is it because of the Earth's gravitational pull?"

Nope. Wrong. Sorry Charlie.

Get it together, fix what you don't like in your life, and the rest will fall into line.

Be strong. Be bold. Get your best life.

Pep talk over.


Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Lion. The Coffee. The Vodka.

Lion. Protector. Grace. Vodka. Coffee. Savage.

I am a woman of faith AND I have my cards read. The Lion is my consistent theme...  I am a Lion..

When you are going through hell, no matter how positive- what mantra you try- prayer- vodka- coffee- smile- forced laughter- ... (Been there. Done that.) Fear begins to creep in. We are all human. We can't hide from it. But lions do not allow fear to last. We continue forward.

A lion fears nothing. Big. Small. Nothing. We are the protectors. We are gatekeepers. Movers and shakers. We also know there is room for all. We are all worth it. This world is ours.

To be a lion you must LIVE a lion heart.

I keep granola bars in my car for the homeless, I love and protect animals, I will adopt children. I am a WORKING actress. I believe in my talent, strength, and soul. TMI? Not for a lion. I don't mind putting my words onto a blog if I know it'll help one person find their strength. Their lion. Makes professional life creative. Personal life a little less fun... Trust me. So many woman worry about speaking their truth, being bold, successful, strong, courageous, trail blazers... because it intimidates potential suitors. IT's true. It does. Been there. Done that. Dimmed my light. Terrible idea. Stopped immediately.

Men (I'm heterosexual so I use the term 'men') are intimidated by strong bold woman. So to this I say...

Listen up, if YOUR MAN isn't YOUR BIGGEST FAN than he is NOT YOURS!

Be bold. Be mighty. Be courageous. Be authentic. GO FOR IT. Whatever that means for you... family, career, health, love, self love...GO FOR IT.

Fear will creep in either way, so will negativity, agitation, hope, faith, love, and finally SUCCESS. So go for it. DEVOUR what anyone else will think. I say this in complete disarray personally and professionally AND with massive hope & faith in my LION heart. GO. FOR. IT.

I am.


PS I write the most when I need inspiration.... so... we are all in this together.