Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Sacrifice. My middle name.

I don't let myself have too many grumpy downer moments. There are too many blessings but no one is perfect. No one can believe in themselves 365 days a year. I definetely have days when I think "fuck. I should just move to NYC or San Fran or Italy... or just back to CLE. I should just keep it simple."

The moments always gone faster than I can think of what I would actually DO if I ever quit acting. I keep my heart open to what my path is... because you just never know.

What I do know is that I'm a leader. I inspire people. I am a WARRIOR who SACRIFICES and takes chances. I am bold. I am fearless. And I'm arrogant as fuck... but with a heart. Muwah!

I'm not a total machine... but I want the top spot. I have the sacrifice in my heart and soul to get it.


I am 'living for me' but with a work 'smarter not harder.' Still a work in progress but I am on my way...


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