Thursday, October 25, 2012


Day 13
"You can't see in others what you don't already have in yourself."-TDL

This plays both ways. Haters and motivators. I have been amazing at changing my thought process and excepting all that my 'non workaholic' life is offering me.

A big part of the workaholics rehab is discovering why I work beyond what is considered 'healthy.'

At day 13 I can finally say why;

Work fills my voids.

The voids of:
- not being a mom yet
- plain old loneliness
- control issues with $$$
(I have to be a breadwinner)

Some people emotionally eat, drink, sleep around, or don't sleep at all to fill voids. I work.

This is so fucking hard to say out-loud... For everyone to see. But I love to inspire through my own triumphs and tragedies. I think as an actress I owe the "openness."


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